STX Engines announced that it has developed a marine black box (VDR) with independent intellectual property rights. Compared with other existing products, the VDR is compact and lightweight. It is 61 cm long, 58 cm wide, 21.5 cm high, and weighs 38 kg. It takes up very little space and can be used with a computer. The product is sold at a price of 20 million won, which is 30% lower than the existing equivalent. STX Engine Company will vigorously develop markets such as China, and plans to achieve an international market share of 30% by 2008.

There have two type screw pumps: 1. single screw pump. 2. three screw pump 1. Single Screw Pump usually been used to transfer sludge, mud, sauce etc thick liquid. 2. Three Screw Pump usually beed usde to transfer the temperature not higher than 150 degree diesel fuel oil, lubricating oil etc oil. and heat insulation triple Screw Pump beed used to transfer bitumen, heavy oil etc, pump can bear 300 degree high temperature. 

Screw Pump

Screw Pump,Single Screw Pump,Screw Insulation Pump,Screw Cavity Pump

Botou Honghai Pump Co.,Ltd ,